last updated 4/20/09 - 0224 EST
This is an attempted interpretation of the conversation that took place on this website - It's all suspected to be related to the Star Trek film due out in May. See here and here
Pat Payne at TrekMovie worked on the German.
Slaynest at TrekMovie worked on the Spanish.
Other German and Spanish refinements by Jacob Titus
The rest is google's crap with some slight cleanup here and there. =/
If you think you have a refinement, please email me at davidjoyce -at- exit42design -dot- com. And maybe we'll get to the bottom of this! Thanks!
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Testing, testing. Is anyone there? I know that I am early. Will someone answer?
- テスト中、テスト中。誰かいる?僕が時間より早いのはわかってるんだけど、誰か応答もらえた?
- ____user1 - Yarakashita (japan) has disconnected____
- user2 Ca (french) Carrefour de la Rue de la Fédération et Rue de Presles
- Carrefour de la Rue de la Fédération et Rue de Presles
- ____user2 Ca (french) has disconnected____
- user3 Janus (german) Kloidn*&%$)#mns
- Kloidn*&%$)#mns
- user3 Janus (german) *******?
- *******?
- user3 Janus (german) ??????
- ??????
- user3 Janus (german) *^*&!!!!!!!
- *^*&!!!!!!!
- user4 Candir (spanish) Use the keyboard.
- Usa el teclado.
- user3 Janus (german) What do you think I’m doing here? “Fe,” is that you?
- Was glaubst du, was ich hier mache? "Fe", bist du das?
- user4 Candir (spanish) Yes, Who else is here?
- Sí. ¿Quién más está?
- user3 Janus (german) Nobody. It’s not working. Wonderful plan.
- Niemand. Es funktioniert nicht. Toller Plan.
- user4 Candir (spanish) It was Karnis' idea.
- Fue idea de Karnis.
- user3 Janus (german) “Fe’s” Idea. And yeah, He hadn’t thought it out.
- "Fe’s" Idee. Und ja, er hat nicht nachgedacht.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Hello?
- もしもし?
- user4 Candir (spanish) It seems that it is this.
- Parece que es esto.
- user3 Janus (german) Are you OK, kid?
- Bist du OK, Kleiner?
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I think so. What, did you not get it? I didn't feel I had the right. And you did not respond to anyone.
- だと思う。あれ、うまく届かなかったんでしょ?僕、自分のちゃんとできたと思えなかったんだよね。君ら、だれも応答しなかったし。
- user4 Candir (spanish) Don't worry. I think we done something. Good job.
- No te preocupes. Creo que algo sí ha salido. Buen trabajo.
- user3 Janus (german) Don’t lie to him. He’s not an idiot.
- Lüg ihn nicht an. Er ist kein Idiot.
- user4 Candir (spanish) Shut up, Janus.
- Cállate, Janus.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Where Kahnis? Should not you be here?
- カーニスどこ?ここにいるはずじゃないの?
- user3 Janus (german) “Fe.” Am I the only one here who bothers to use codenames?
- "Fe". Bin ich hier der Einzige, der unsere Decknamen benutzt?
- user4 Candir (spanish) He will come, he wrote this site for some reason.
- El viene, se ve que el escribió este sitio por alguna razón.
- user3 Janus (german) I haven’t seen your special friend. We’re wasting our time here.
- Habe deinen speziellen Freund auch nicht gesehen. Wir verschwenden hier unsere Zeit.
- user5 Unknown (english) Sorry, I’m late. There was a problem.
- Sorry, I’m late. There was a problem.
- user4 Candir (spanish) Are you ok? Where are you?
- ¿Estás bien? ¿Donde estás ?
- user5 Unknown (english) Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Glad to talk to everyone.
- Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Glad to talk to everyone.
- user3 Janus (german) You don’t talk with anyone.
- Du sprichst nicht mit jedem.
- user5 Unknown (english) What?
- What?
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I want to be YARAKASHITA. Encryption not know well. Sorry.
- 僕へまやらかしたみたい。暗号がよくわからなくて。ごめん。
- user5 Unknown (english) No, no.
- No, no.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Maybe I can try once more. Guess what happened to luck.
- 多分もう一回トライできるよ。何が起こったのか見当はついてるし。
- user5 Unknown (english) It’s ok. We’ll figure this out.
- It’s ok. We’ll figure this out.
- user4 Candir (spanish) I don't think anything we change will help. We should ask somebody.
- No creo que nada de lo que cambiemos vaya a ayudar. Deberíamos preguntar a alguien.
- user3 Janus (german) Who’s next?
- Wen denn genau?
- user4 Candir (spanish) I do not know.
- No lo sé.
- user5 Unknown (english) Didn’t “Ca” mention someone?
- Didn’t “Ca” mention someone?
- user3 Janus (german) He’s not here.
- Er ist nicht hier.
- user5 Unknown (english) He hasn’t checked in?
- He hasn’t checked in?
- user3 Janus (german) What do you think I mean!?
- Was glaubst du, was ich meinte!?
- user4 Candir (spanish) I am sure that he was arrested.
- Estoy seguro que el fue detenido.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) How can I keep it long? I’m better I went to see one of us? You?
- ずっとこれをし続けていいのかな?僕、君達のだれか一人に会いにいったほうがいいんじゃ?
- user5 Unknown (english) No. “Ca” was right, splitting up gives us our best shot.
- No. “Ca” was right, splitting up gives us our best shot.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) It would be difficult to catch us from it?
- それって僕らをつかまえるが難しくなるから?
- user5 Unknown (english) We’ll worry about that when and if we have to.
- We’ll worry about that when and if we have to.
- user4 Candir (spanish) We should wait for “Ca” and he will tell us what the next step is.
- Debemos esperar a “Ca” y él nos dirá cual es el siguiente paso.
- user3 Janus (german) It could already be too late for the next step, perhaps we’ve already had our only chance!! You have no idea what’s going on here!
- Es könnte schon zu spät sein für den nächsten Schritt, vielleicht haben wir unsere einzige Chance schon vertan!! Du hast ja keine Ahnung was hier los ist!!!
- user5 Unknown (english) Neither do you!!! Knock it off - I can get to you quickly. We don’t need you to lose control, again.
- Neither do you!!! Knock it off - I can get to you quickly. We don’t need you to lose control, again.
- user4 Candir (spanish) None of this is helping.
- Nada de esto está ayudando.
- user3 Janus (german) Slave.
- Sklave.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I had better help him?
- 僕、彼を助けに行ったほうがいい?
- user3 Janus (german) Really funny!
- Wirklich lustig!
- user5 Unknown (english) He’ll be fine.
- He’ll be fine.
- user3 Janus (german) I’m disappearing next, if he doesn’t come. Just as a warning for you. We’ve tried this, it’s not worked – I’ve already taken my responsibility.
- Ich verschwinde jetzt, wenn er nicht kommt. Nur so als Warnung für euch. Wir haben es versucht, es hat nicht funktioniert - ich habe meine Schuldigkeit getan.
- user4 Candir (spanish) And where do you go?, exactly
- ¿Y a dónde vas exactamente?
- user3 Janus (german) Let me worry about that.
- Laß das meine Sorge sein.
- user5 Unknown (english) Just stay out of sight this time. I think we’ve been noticed, we didn’t clean up properly.
- Just stay out of sight this time. I think we’ve been noticed, we didn’t clean up properly.
- user3 Janus (german) So now I’m expected to take orders from you? Only because YOU knew what to do in the salt – as I almost lost my arm!
- Nehme ich jetzt schon Befehle von dir entgegen? Nur weil du unten im Salz wusstest, was zu tun ist - als ich fast meinen Arm verloren habe.
- user5 Unknown (english) Your problem in the salt is that you gave up too quickly. Maybe if you spent some time figuring out the right trajectory.
- Your problem in the salt is that you gave up too quickly. Maybe if you spent some time figuring out the right trajectory.
- user3 Janus (german) That’s not helping.
- Das wird nichts helfen.
- user5 Unknown (english) Just try. We’ll meet back here in 2.
- Just try. We’ll meet back here in 2.
- user3 Janus (german) Yes, yes. I’m gone.
- Ja, ja. Ich bin weg.
- ____user3 Janus (german) has disconnected____
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I think you see that someone else - just wait.
- 誰か僕のこと見てるみたい-ちょっと待って。
- user5 Unknown (english) You sure?
- You sure?
- user4 Candir (spanish) How were they?
- ¿Cómo eran?
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Different. I went past.
- ちがった。通り過ぎて行った。
- user4 Candir (spanish) Relax, we all need to relax and think things right, and don't act like frightened animals. Nobody looks at us, is all in your mind.
- Relájate, todos necesitamos relajarnos y pensar bien las cosas, y no actuar como animales asustados. Nadie nos mira está en tu mente.
- user5 Unknown (english) I’m working on the magnetic interference. Can you look at the frequency stuff?
- I’m working on the magnetic interference. Can you look at the frequency stuff?
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Oh, yeah. I can about it. If you research a little.
- うん、もちろん。それくらいできるよ。ちょっとリサーチすればね。
- user5 Unknown (english) Good, we need a little more time.
- Good, we need a little more time.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Still, I think?
- まだ時間、あると思う?
- user4 Candir (spanish) You will have it
- Lo tendrás
- user5 Unknown (english) You know when to come back?
- You know when to come back?
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) If you need to get, I will contact as soon as possible. OK?
- もし君が必要になったら、早めに連絡するよ。それでもいい?
- user5 Unknown (english) OK, stay hidden and safe
- OK, stay hidden and safe
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I'll do my best
- がんばってみる。
- ____user1 - Yarakashita (japan) has disconnected____
- user5 Unknown (english) It was his very first run.
- It was his very first run.
- user4 Candir (spanish) You should let me come with you.
- Deberías haberme dejado venir contigo.
- user5 Unknown (english) I hate feeling like this. We have to get it right, and fast.
- I hate feeling like this. We have to get it right, and fast.
- user4 Candir (spanish) I'll work with the frequency, perhaps that's it.
- Trajabaré con la frecuencia tal vez sea eso.
- user4 Candir (spanish) Are you still there?
- ¿Aún estás ahí?
- user5 Unknown (english) Yes, sorry. I’m here.
- Yes, sorry. I’m here.
- user5 Unknown (english) Thank you, Candir.
- Thank you, Candir.
- user4 Candir (spanish) Take care let me know if you need me.
- Cuídate dejamé saber si me necesitas.
- ____user4 Candir (spanish) has disconnected____
- ____user5 Unknown (english) has disconnected____
The official site was updated on Sunday April 19th. HEre is a translation of the new conversation. Thanks to Commodore Redshirt
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) “Ca”?
- PHPChatUser1: “Ca”?
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Is somebody here? Please type something here.
- PHPChatUser1: 誰かいる?誰か何かタイプしてよ。
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) Don’t wait, input something here! Now!
- PHPChatUser1: ふざけないで、何か入力してってば!!早く!!
- user3 Janus (german) Calm down. I’m here, surprisingly. I think I have found the trajectory. Well, I am close to it. Maybe I should ask “Ca”.
- PHPChatUser3: Beruhig dich mal. Ich bin hier, überraschenderweise. Ich glaube, dass ich tatsächlich die Flugbahn herausgefunden habe. Naja, ich bin nah dran. Vielleicht sollte ich „Ca“ fragen.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I’m working on my frequency. But Fe has not made contact with me. He’s okay?
- PHPChatUser1: “Fe”と僕で周波に取り組んでたんだ。でも、彼僕に連絡してこなくなって。彼大丈夫?
- user3 Janus (german) You should relax and have fun with this duty! Take it as an opportunity. We are bigger and stronger than these people. Women will finally take notice of you. I bet they have noticed me.
- PHPChatUser3: Du solltest dich entspannen und Spass an der Sache haben! Nimm es als eine Möglichkeit. Wir sind größer und stärker als die meisten. Frauen werden dich endlich wahrnehmen. Sie haben mich bestimmt schon bemerkt.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) You’re serious? Because we can not trust anyone! We could be killed if we are caught! ! Even though I’m tired of this, you are risking the lives of so many people I can not even imagine.
- PHPChatUser1: 君本気?僕ら、誰も信用できないんだってば!いつ捕まって殺されるかもしれないんだよ!!僕、全然眠れもしないのに、君は想像も出来ないくらい多くの人間の命を危険にさらして。
- user3 Janus (german) Try not to focus on it.
- PHPChatUser3: Versuche, dich nicht darauf zu fokussieren.
- user5 Unknown (english) “Ca” is dead.
- PHPChatUser5: “Ca” is dead.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) What? How do you know?
- PHPChatUser1: 何?どうして分かったの?
- user4 Candir (spanish) Just because he is not here does not mean he is dead.
- PHPChatUser4: Sólo porque él no está aquí no significa que está muerto.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I think maybe I should go try to find him Can I go to his place? His device is very important.
- PHPChatUser1: 彼を探し出さなきゃ!彼の所に行っていい?彼の道具が必要なんだ、多分僕が行くべきだと思う。
- user5 Unknown (english) There’s nothing to find. Except the device. He lost it, and now one of them has our only comm. unit! Why do you think he gave us its location? He is gone.
- PHPChatUser5: There’s nothing to find. Except the device. He lost it, and now one of them has our only comm. unit! Why do you think he gave us its location? He is gone.
- user3 Janus (german) How do you know?
- PHPChatUser3: Das kannst du nicht wissen!!
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) “Ca”? What should I do? Should I go there?
- PHPChatUser1: “Ca”?どうしたらいいんだろ?僕、行くべき?
- user3 Janus (german) Her name is "0" you idiot!!! How hard is it to remember the stupid codes? Are you a total moron? Do you have an image of your mother by your bed? I’d be surprised if you did not wake up in your own urine every night.
- PHPChatUser3: Ihr Name ist „O“, du Trottel!! Wie schwer ist es, sich diese dämlichen Codes zu merken? Bist du denn ein kompletter Vollidiot? Hast ein Bild deiner hässlichen Mutter neben deinem Bett – bin überrascht, dass du nicht jede Nacht in deinem eigenen Urin aufwachst.
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) You’re wrong This is all a mistake! We have to go home.
- PHPChatUser1: これって間違ってるよ、やばい予感がする。全部間違いだったんだ!家に帰ったほうがいいよ!!
- user4 Candir (spanish) It is no longer ours.
- PHPChatUser4: Ya no es la nuestra.
- user5 Unknown (english) There is NO going back! There is NO Federation to stop him, we MUST move on without “Ca”!! Their ONLY fighting chance is if we get this thing sent!!
- PHPChatUser5: There is NO going back! There is NO Federation to stop him, we MUST move on without “Ca”!! Their ONLY fighting chance is if we get this thing sent!!
- user3 Janus (german) Ok, nobody needs your yapping. I’m doing this for Karnis. Btw, I think I’m near the coordinates we have to focus on.
- PHPChatUser3: OK, keiner braucht dein Gequatsche. Ich mache das für Karnis. Übrigens, ich bin nah dran an den Koordinaten, für die wir es anvisieren müssen.
- user5 Unknown (english) And I am on the magnetic field, we didn’t calibrate for interference.
- PHPChatUser5: And I am on the magnetic field, we didn’t calibrate for interference.
- user4 Candir (spanish) I can send you some information on the frequency, Where do I send it?
- PHPChatUser4: Puedo mandarte alguna información en la frecuencia, ¿Adónde debo mandarla?
- user5 Unknown (english) Hold it for now, it’s useless without getting Ca's wave pattern.
- PHPChatUser5: Hold it for now, it’s useless without getting Ca’s wave pattern.
- user4 Candir (spanish) We will be fine. keep paying close attention.
- PHPChatUser4: Estaremos bien. Presta buena atención.
- user3 Janus (german) Are we done with this?
- PHPChatUser3: Sind wir fertig hier?
- user5 Unknown (english) I’ll post locations as I find the key fields. I’ll need you to go them exactly when I say.
- PHPChatUser5: I’ll post locations as I find the key fields. I’ll need you to go them exactly when I say.
- user3 Janus (german) Ok, that’s it. Everyone is doing their job.
- PHPChatUser3: Ok, das war’s dann. Jeder macht jetzt seinen Job.
- user5 Unknown (english) Pictures are tough here, but we must start sending each other the access points - @PHPChatUser5. Not sure yet how to get Ca’s – but the input site will soon be live for all our fixes, hopefully generates something that works.
- PHPChatUser5: Pictures are tough here, but we must start sending each other the access points - @PHPChatUser5. Not sure yet how to get Ca’s – but the input site will soon be live for all our fixes, hopefully generates something that works.
- user3 Janus (german) I hope, they’ll find me
- PHPChatUser3: Ich hoffe, die finden mich.
- user5 Unknown (english) Don’t do anything stupid!
- PHPChatUser5: Don’t do anything stupid!
- ____user3 Janus (german) has disconnected____
- ____PHPChatUser3 has disconnected____
- user1 - Yarakashita (japan) I need to go now. I need to rethink all of this.
- PHPChatUser1: 僕もう行かなきゃ。全部、もう一度考え直さないと。
- user5 Unknown (english) Wait, we have to talk about how you’re handling this.
- PHPChatUser5: Wait, we have to talk about how you’re handling this.
- ____user1 - Yarakashita (japan) has disconnected____
- ____PHPChatUser1 has disconnected____
- user4 Candir (spanish) Do not worry. Even if this hasn’t worked before I know that we can resolve these things together.
- PHPChatUser4: No te preocupes. No trabajabas bien solo antes, y sé que podemos resolver estas cosas juntos.
- user5 Unknown (english) What does that mean?
- PHPChatUser5: What does that mean?
- user4 Candir (spanish) Nothing, it’s just that the idea of being left helpless with you sounds fun to me.
- PHPChatUser4: Nada, es sólo que la idea de estar dejado desamparado contigo me suena divertida.
- user5 Unknown (english) What?
- PHPChatUser5: What?
- user4 Candir (spanish) Think about it… and me.
- PHPChatUser4: Piénsalo y en mí.
- user5 Unknown (english) Don’t do this, not now.
- PHPChatUser5: Don’t do this, not now.
- ____user5 Unknown (english) has disconnected____
- ____PHPChatUser5 has disconnected____
- ____user4 Candir (spanish) has disconnected____
- ____PHPChatUser4 has disconnected____
The following exchange is from twitter. Due to Twitter's inherent limitation of 140 characters, I joined consecutive tweets together.
PHPChatUser5Here, start sending yours.
Here, start sending yours.
PHPChatUser4@PHPChatUser5 I have completed my access point, but this is not why I write. What I am trying to say is, "Yes" is not the only thing driving you crazy. . This is because I'm so crazy to say the following - this can be the end for us, for everything, and I know that at least I told you how I feel. There is nothing for us here and now. But I realized that although we have a house yet, although he has not gone mad and the dogs pursued him, still would not have anything. You were and are my only chance for happiness. I think you've ever felt that way. If I come, I pray you, let you come. Tell me where you are and I will be there.
@PHPChatUser5 No tengo completado ya mi punto de acceso, pero esto no es la razón por la cual yo escribo. Lo que trato de decir es, "Si" no es el único que se está volviendo loco. . Esto es por que yo estoy tan loco para decirte lo siguiente-- esto puedo ser el fin para nosotros, para todo, y tengo que saber que por lo menos yo te dije como me siento. No hay nada para nosotros aquí o ahora. Pero me di cuenta de que aunque tengamos una casa todavía, aunque él no se haya vuelto loco y los perros le hayan perseguido, todavia no tendría nada. Tú eras y eres mi única oportunidad para la alegría. Creo tú te has sentido así alguna vez. Si no me vendrías, te ruego, permiteme que te venga. Dime dónde estás y yo estaré allí.
PHPChatUser5 goes by PHP Epsilon on Twitter with this graphic - the watermark on the graphic is a QR code that when read means APUS:01-05 
- PHPChatUser1 - Yarakashita (japan) It takes too much time, it won’t be a wonder, if we will be annihilated by him. [he/we shouldn’t] ask for help. Because they will notice my access point tomorrow
- 時間がかかりすぎだよ、彼に僕らがいつ全滅しても不思議じゃない。助けを呼ばなきゃ。僕のアクセス・ポイントを、明日彼らに知らせるからね。
- PHPChatUser5 Unknown (english) DON’T YOU DARE!!!
- PHPChatUser1 - Yarakashita (japan) We shouldn’t cooperate with them! Even for the sake of their surviving. They should understand the whole story!!!
- 彼らと協力しなきゃいけないんだってば!!!彼らが生き延びるためにも!!!彼らが全部分かってるはずだって!!!
- PHPChatUser4 Candir (spanish) And what will you do when they run away from your appearance
- ¿Y qué harás cuando ellos corren de tu aparencia?
- PHPChatUser1 - Yarakashita (japan) Don’t worry, we will put the SNS, make new friends, like in a game, and we will elicit them
- 心配しないで、SNSに載せて、新しい友達を作って、ゲームみたいに見せて彼らをおびき入れるから!!!
- PHPChatUser5 Unknown (english) That doesn’t make any sense, I cannot allow you to risk everything!!! You need to listen to me. You have lost it. You
- PHPChatUser3 Janus (german) Let him do it, they won’t know, what do see there. Let the kid believe he does something meaningful.
- Lass ihn machen, sie werden nicht wissen, was sie da sehen. Lass den Kleinen glauben, er tut was sinnvolles.
- ____PHPChatUser3 Janus (german) has disconnected____
- PHPChatUser5 Unknown (english) This is madness.
- PHPChatUser4 Candir (spanish) He won't do it
- El no lo hará.
- ____PHPChatUser1 - Yarakashita (japan) has disconnected____
- PHPChatUser5 Unknown (english) We’ve got to do something about him.
- ____PHPChatUser5 Unknown (english) has disconnected____
- ____PHPChatUser4 Candir (spanish) has disconnected____